Momlife Adventures

Messy Momlife - Shop The Kei

Messy Momlife

Momlife is messy... so pack wipes... and stop being sorry about it. Fill in the phrase: "Im no longer sorry about __________"

Messy Momlife

Momlife is messy... so pack wipes... and stop being sorry about it. Fill in the phrase: "Im no longer sorry about __________"

Vegas with a Toddler

Yes, I traveled to Las Vegas with a Toddler. Desperate for affection. Who am I so crazy about? My tips + trip ideas that helped us survive in one piece.

Vegas with a Toddler

Yes, I traveled to Las Vegas with a Toddler. Desperate for affection. Who am I so crazy about? My tips + trip ideas that helped us survive in one piece.

New Playground Rules for the hot mom - Shop The Kei

New Playground Rules for the hot mom

Before Nyaeli was born, I cant remember the last time I visited a playground. Have the rules changed since then? Almost a year since then, I came up with 6...

1 comment

New Playground Rules for the hot mom

Before Nyaeli was born, I cant remember the last time I visited a playground. Have the rules changed since then? Almost a year since then, I came up with 6...

1 comment
Momlife Essentials - Shop The Kei

Momlife Essentials

Honestly, I do NOT wake up like this... (you get my point) ...but I get up out of bed (often to the sound of a crying baby who's diaper needs...

Momlife Essentials

Honestly, I do NOT wake up like this... (you get my point) ...but I get up out of bed (often to the sound of a crying baby who's diaper needs...

Family Time Hike - Shop The Kei

Family Time Hike

Our first hike as a family was planned a week in advance. My husband Robert is a Crossfit member and his gym was hosting a hike so we decided to...

Family Time Hike

Our first hike as a family was planned a week in advance. My husband Robert is a Crossfit member and his gym was hosting a hike so we decided to...

Vegan Baby Recipes: Nyaeli's favorite 3 - Shop The Kei

Vegan Baby Recipes: Nyaeli's favorite 3

My Post-Pregnancy Diet After my pregnancy, my body felt like it belonged to someone else. I had no energy, my skin was always dry, and my hair was brittle. I...

Vegan Baby Recipes: Nyaeli's favorite 3

My Post-Pregnancy Diet After my pregnancy, my body felt like it belonged to someone else. I had no energy, my skin was always dry, and my hair was brittle. I...