Momlife Adventures

Momlife Essentials - Shop The Kei

Momlife Essentials

Honestly, I do NOT wake up like this... (you get my point) ...but I get up out of bed (often to the sound of a crying baby who's diaper needs...

Momlife Essentials

Honestly, I do NOT wake up like this... (you get my point) ...but I get up out of bed (often to the sound of a crying baby who's diaper needs...

Family Time Hike - Shop The Kei

Family Time Hike

Our first hike as a family was planned a week in advance. My husband Robert is a Crossfit member and his gym was hosting a hike so we decided to...

Family Time Hike

Our first hike as a family was planned a week in advance. My husband Robert is a Crossfit member and his gym was hosting a hike so we decided to...

Toddler Fashion Show - Shop The Kei

Toddler Fashion Show

Yes, my daughter is a little diva in the making. She spends much of her time playing in the mirror, sneaking into mommy's purse for lipstick, and trying on shoes....

Toddler Fashion Show

Yes, my daughter is a little diva in the making. She spends much of her time playing in the mirror, sneaking into mommy's purse for lipstick, and trying on shoes....

DIY Toddler Snacks - Shop The Kei

DIY Toddler Snacks

Since the summer, I notice Nyaeli does not eat much food. Like most kids her age, she doesn't eat much of anything. To busy getting her life (tasting things off...

DIY Toddler Snacks

Since the summer, I notice Nyaeli does not eat much food. Like most kids her age, she doesn't eat much of anything. To busy getting her life (tasting things off...

My Toddler's Favorite Books - Shop The Kei

My Toddler's Favorite Books

Nyaeli LOVES the library! The children' section at our library has an island of sensory toys, a colorful tablet station and many board books (which are perfect for her age; she's still heavy...

My Toddler's Favorite Books

Nyaeli LOVES the library! The children' section at our library has an island of sensory toys, a colorful tablet station and many board books (which are perfect for her age; she's still heavy...

Fun Books for Toddler - Shop The Kei

Fun Books for Toddler

The Best Books for Toddlers and mommy tips to creating at home story time fun Its best to let your toddler chose some fun books for herself. She will have...

Fun Books for Toddler

The Best Books for Toddlers and mommy tips to creating at home story time fun Its best to let your toddler chose some fun books for herself. She will have...