How do you plant a tree for $1 - Shop The Kei

How do you plant a tree for $1

It's one of the most common questions we're asked: how do you plant a tree for $1?

The answer is a little tricky. Some tree saplings cost more than others – an Aspen, an Oak, and Cottonwood are different prices. Some sites need more maintenance. Some projects use professional tree planting contractors, some projects are community or volunteer based. As a ShoptheKei customer and tree donor, we want you to understand how we get it done!

Check out this graphic that breaks down what it typically costs to plant a tree:

Thanks to our partnership with One Tree Planted, you have the ability to shop amazing fashions all while helping our environment. With every purchase you make, ShoptheKei plants a tree.


How do you plant a tree for $1, plant a tree, sustainable fashion, eco fashion designer, One Tree Planted,

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