How many sweaters should you own? - Shop The Kei

How many sweaters should you own?

"How many sweaters should I own"

When asked this question, I had to re-evaluate my life a little LOL! Seriously, I donated 3 large bags of sweaters to clear my closet. The overhaul was refreshing. I suggest everyone do it. Okay, let's strip down to the very basics. Begin by getting organized and set a goal. Read below, to learn just how I did it...

Let's get organized

Organization is key! After donating my sweaters, I categorized the remaining ones using 4 topics:

  1. Color
  2. Texture
  3. Weight
  4. Fit

Set a realistic goal

My goal - "25 total sweaters; even amount of different weights and fits"


After separating all my sweaters, I finished with 4 main colors. Since I wear neutrals more than colors, I only have a few colored sweaters. This part should be easiest so do not overthink it. Teal is green, Pink is red, even orange is reddish, but you get the picture. Just categorize it in the simplest way that works for you.

  1. Tan / Ivory (8)
  2. Grey / Black (8)
  3. Red / Purple (5)
  4. Blue / Green (4)

Love to wear colors in the fall? Add this cute and colorful sweater to your shopping cart!  

Sweater Textures

This can be tricky so keep it simple. Think about how they feel and what makes them special to you. For me, I like chunky textures, loose knits, and super soft yarns. You may describe sweater feels such as "flat", "nubby", "cable or fisherman", "crochet", "lace". Other feeling could be described as "festive" or "vintage".

Say "welcome back" to our most loved sweater. It sold out twice and is back in new colors! Known for its super soft feels and sexy style.

Lightweight Sweaters vs Heavyweight Sweaters

Once you categorize textures, you'll notice the chunkier knits are heavy and the loose knits are light. So it's already done for you. Longer sweaters may feel heavier than shorter ones but depending on how thick the yarns, a chunky crop sweater could weigh more than a long lace sweater. In this case, chose the organization category that works best for your overall storage space. If you find that most of your sweaters can be categorized into 2 groups; stay within those groups. Remember to simply these steps as best you can. We are decluttering not only our closet but our mind as well. So the next time we get dressed, putting together an outfit takes less time and guessing.

Speaking of easy dressing sweater outfits, our designers suggest this modern, light sweater from our collection. The colors go with all the neutrals.

Oversized Sweaters vs Fitted Sweaters

"Oversized" aka "slouchy" aka "boyfriend" is clearly a trend. If that's not your thing, choose a trend that defines your sweaters most.

We love our oversized boxy look. Its figure forgiving like this oversized sweater

It is good to double check that you can still fit these sweaters the way you like them to look. If last season's lightweight, fitted sweater is stretched out of recognition, I can teach you how to salvage it yourself. However, if you're 8 months pregnant and planning a major closet purge, than "fit" may mean an entirely new collection for you (depending on your recovery of course) 

*Side note: If pregnant, wait until your doctor signs off for you to return to your fitness routine before buying a whole new wardrobe. After Nyaeli was born, I wore maternity clothes until I could fit my "normal" size again. Remember, recoveries vary for each mother so don't stress about it beauty.


    Other tips:

    If you cannot part ways with your favorites, here are some tips to consider. Another good way to make sense of the "purge" is to ask yourself "when was the last time I wore this" If the answer is "I Never wore this" or "I cant remember", then its safe to toss it. Chances are you will not wear it next year and its hogging space for something better that you'll actually wear. 


    What are some helpful tips you used to categorize your sweaters? Your way may be better for some of my readers so please share :D

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