Why are gender neutral baby clothes so boring?
While pregnant with my daughter Nyaeli, my husband and I did not want to know the gender of our baby until the baby shower. The results would be revealed to us in my the 3rd trimester. All that mattered was to have a healthy mother and baby. So while I was adding baby clothes to my registry, I hated most of the gender neutral baby clothes. Everything was grey and white or yellow ducks and grey elephants. I didn't want my kid to look like a blank holiday card. Where's the style? I cant be the only parent wondering this...
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Now pregnant with baby #2 and my google results come up just as bland as before. This time is different because this time we solved the problem ourselves. Gender free baby clothes should be spunky, classy, and cool. We even gave rompers and bodysuits an update!
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What is more freeing than Androgyny? Nakedness! We all love a chubby little baby bum since baby's precious skin should be protected with clothing, androgyny is what we get when gender lines are blurred. Boy or Girl it doesn't matter when you're wearing these cool gender free baby outfits.
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My design experience is mostly traditional womenswear and childrenswear. ShoptheKei, is directed to mothers and their daughters but because my style includes many gender neutral clothes, I want to make it clear that the terminology "her" and "she" is just as neutral to us as the term "guys" in reference to a group of girls. I must also remark that while most of our descriptions are geared towards girls, I am working towards adding the appropriate gender inclusive descriptions for our gender neutral styles. In an effort to continue my gender neutral vision, I plan to include more unisex styles for baby that are much different than my competitors' boring baby versions.
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To celebrate and shed light on our cool gender free baby clothes, take a gander at this line up.
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Did we forget something or is there a style you would like to see ore of? Let me know your thoughts of these gender free baby outfits in the comments below...
Gender free baby clothes, neutral baby clothes, gender neutral baby clothes, Gender Neutral Baby Outfits, unisex baby outfits, unisex baby clothes, gender nonconforming, ShoptheKei.com