No lie, vacation away from home during the pandemic is scary and requires more planning than usual. Our family of 10 included 2 lap children and its large size made travel accommodations difficult but we made it work. Im sharing the 10 must have items that helped make all of it more bearable. Travel better prepared for 10 hour flights with mama's travel essentials
Pre-board Planning
Most of us were vaccinated before flying but it is not required.
Hawaii is very serious about preventing the spread of COVID-19 and makes specific precautions. We all still needed to get nose swabbed and provide proof of our negative test. Walgreens conveniently swabbed our entire group days before the flight and emailed our results within the hour.
Hawaii is US territory so you wont need passports. I like to travel with my family's passports in one travel case instead of fishing for individual IDs at check-in and TSA.
Face masks are still required on flights. Make sure yours is comfortable enough for the long use.
For up-to-date news on COVID-19 precautions and air travel, check with the CDC and your airline.
The Carry on
Some airlines are different but generally, each passenger is allowed 2 carry ons. After flying with 1 kid and 1 baby, my husband and I looked like broken wind chimes dragging 8 carry ons down the airplane aisle (so not cool). I wish I had just one bag to fit my things along with the kids travel necessities. This Carry on travel bag is definitely one of mama's travel essentials.
- Eye-mask - If your kids are asleep, you should join them. The best time to take a nap is on a flight. Luna Fuzzy Sleeping Mask is super cute and helps shut out the light for mama naps
- Air pods for your apple devise and/or regular ear buds for airplane entertainment
- Devise charger (6-11 hour flight to Hawaii)
- Socks and a cardigan - Any of our cardigans will work but my favorite for travel with a lap child is Syah Cardigan because its lighter weight which prevents me from overheating when sleeping mini is on DO NOT DISTURB mode
- Mini's comfort item (blanket, stuffed animal)
- Fidget Toys - I found a few at the dollar store but Amazon sells 30 different toys for $15
- Sticker books or window stickers
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- Coloring books and crayons - get the small pack of 4-10 colors; in case mini loses crayons, it didn't you cost much
- Snacks and pre-made baby bottles - low sugar snacks keep mini from going crazy
Lessons Learned
The next time I travel to Hawaii, Im flying first class and non-stop, red eye. Sitting in coach with a 15 month old lap child and a 1hr layover is a joke. The layover only helped provide some time for mini to run and stretch (which means mama was running after mini for that hour)
Another helpful article with great tips for traveling with minis
Comment below Have you traveled with minis since the pandemic? What were your most helpful items?
Discover my Top 8 Maui Musts.
ShoptheKei.com, Mama's Travel Essentials, flying during a pandemic, COVID-19 travelers, Hawaii during a pandemic, is Hawaii open, how to fly with kids, how to travel with kids, what to pack for a flight with kids